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Newsletterhub Support

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Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of answers to common questions.

How secure is my database?

Newsletterhub are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and comply with the Data Protection Act. We take the security of our clients data very seriously and take regular, secure back-ups of our clients entire databases. Clients can export their own database at any time; which we would encourage, as part of their own ongoing back-up precautions. In the event that a client inadvertently deletes a record or records, a charge will apply for the re-instatement of the last database we hold on file.

What does geographic exclusivity mean?

We are committed to only selling one of each subscription per town. If you promote your business or your services in more than one town, you will need to take out a subscription for each town where you operate. Doing so assures you exclusivity of your chosen towns and ensures no ‘overlap’ of your newsletter with fellow subscribers in other towns.

What do you guarantee with exclusivity?

We will only sell one subscription type per town. Our definition of a town is generous and easily allows the majority of businesses no risk of overlap with neighbouring towns. We also make every effort to ensure that new subscribers do not operate in towns where they have not reserved exclusivity. In the unlikely event that you find a business promoting one of our newsletters in the same town for which you have reserved exclusivity, simply let us know and we will intervene and if necessary suspend any user that abuses the trust of the system.

I have more than one branch in the same town. Do I have to pay more?

No. We have carefully mapped all the principal towns in the UK and have endeavoured to provide generous areas for newsletterhub subscribers to promote their services with our newsletters. If you have more than one branch promoting your services within this geography, we only require that you reserve your newsletter for one town. You can upgrade your subscription to include more than one offer of the month (Business subscription+). If you wish to promote your services or products to more than one town, you will need to take take a separate subscription per town or multiple town subscription.

I have branches in more than one town, or want to promote my services in more than one town. Does this mean I have to pay more?

If you plan to promote your services to more than one town, you should take out a subscription for each town where you operate. We provide a discount for businesses that subscribe to more than one town and an incentive of additional monthly features for each town subscribed. Lite newsletter subscribers cannot ‘upgrade’ to more than one town and should take a Business subscription if more than one town is required.

If I sign up for more than one town do I get more than one newsletter?

That depends upon the service you require. If you need multiple newsletters you should take out individual single subscriptions for each town. If you require one newsletter that features multiple branches, you should subscribe to one newsletter for multiple towns. You will receive an additional ‘offer of the month / promotional feature’ for each town where you subscribe. Only business subscriptions can upgrade to multiple towns. If you need exclusivity in more than four towns, we would recommend that you talk to us about developing a bespoke newsletter.

I only have a small database. Is this service for me?

If you feel that there is value in developing a regular communication with your clients and you find yourself constantly ‘short of time’, then this is the service for you. Don’t worry if your email database is small, you have to start somewhere! We provide a number of tools to help you build your database, including the script for a “sign up to our newsletter’ box for your website, a dedicated web page for you (or your team) to directly input newsletter subscribers, tips & ideas for you to train colleagues in the art of gathering subscribers and, for a small charge, ‘data collection cards’ for use on your premises

What statistics do I get with my newsletter campaigns?

Our emailing software can track who opens your newsletter (and how often), which links they click on (and how often), in addition to details of number of bounces and unsubscribers.

Is there a limit to the number of emails that I can send each month?

Yes. We include a monthly credit allowance of 1,000 emails within our standard prices. We charge £6 per 1000 emails sent beyond this limit.

What happens if I don't approve my newsletter in any given month?

When you subscribe to a newsletterhub newsletter, we commit to providing you a fully prepared monthly email newsletter, ready for you to transmit to your database. If for some reason you do not approve your newsletter, you will still be required to pay for its development. We will send you weekly reminders to give you every opportunity to make any amends that you require before to sending. If the month passes and you have not approved your newsletter, it will be ‘archived’ for your future reference and can posted to your website for visitors to read. No refund will apply. We will continue to send you your latest newsletter on (or around) the 1st of each month until you cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription at any time. If you cancel within a billing cycle, you will not be billed for the following month. We do of course hope that our subscribers enjoy and send their newsletters each month. If you have any questions or queries or need any help with your newsletter – just call us on 0800 612 4450.

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